WordPress development

Last Revised: October 2, 2021

To contribute to WordPress at the development level there are multiple possibilities and options. These that we present here are some examples that propose to be a guide when preparing infrastructure, but there are many options and possibilities.

We separate the options depending on the type of contribution you want to make.

Own development

If you want to develop plugins or themes, we recommend testing on stable versions of WordPress, but also on the development versions of future releases. For this we leave you these options that can be useful:

  • VPS with Git: This installation has a Git synchronized with the main branch of WordPress, so you will have elements of future versions to test for compatibility and errors.

Development for the WordPress Community

If you want to test and develop for the WordPress Community we recommend a slightly different type of installation, using the tools that the rest of the community members use. For this we leave you these options that can be useful:

  • VPS with Subversion: This installation has a Subversion synchronized with the main branch of WordPress, so you will have elements of future versions to test compatibility and errors, in addition to being able to test patches pending approval.

From here you can perform some tests and improvements in the WordPress code based on what the Community contributes. Among some of those things you can do you have:

About this document

This document is regulated by the EUPL v1.2 license, published in WP SysAdmin and created by Javier Casares. Please, if you use this content in your website, your presentation or any material you distribute, remember to mention this site or its author, and having to put the material you create under EUPL license.